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In the bleak filmscape of glasnost, The Needle stood out as a black sheep of a movie. The most playful and offbeat of the Soviet films of the period, it contrasted sharply to the mainstream, which was overwhelmed with revisionism of the Stalinist past and nihilistic social criticism.
Made in 1988 by a young Kazakh director, Rashid Nugmanov, fresh out of VGIK (the national film school), The Needle was a pioneering effort in several ways. Having e from a remote, stagnant republic of Kazakhstan, the picture set off a movement that has e to be known as the "Kazakh New Wave." Represented by such works as Alexander Baranov's and Bakhyt Kilibayev's The Three (1988) and Woman of the Day (1990); Kilibayev's The Tick (1990); Baranov's He and She (1990); Abai Karpykov's Little Fish in Love (1989); and Serik Aprymov's The Last Stop (1989), the Kazakh New Wave was for the agonizing Soviet film of the late 1980s what the French New Wave was for the dusty French film of the late 1950s. The Needle was the movement's a bout de souffle. The film also became a model for the Russian version of postmodernism—uninhibited and uninformed, pensating for the lack of culture, skill, and resources with mischief and wit. A young man named Moro (played by Viktor Tsoi, the late rock 'n' roll legend from the St. Petersburg band "Kino") returns to his Asiatic hometown only to find his exgirlfriend, Dina (Marina Smirnova), being a drug addict and himself being involved in the bizarre life of the city's underworld. In an attempt to save Dina, Moro takes her away to the Aral Sea, turned into a barren desert by the time they arrive. There Dina seems cured, but back in town everything starts anew. Almost desperate, Moro decides to fight the drug dealers, led by a hospital doctor (played by another rock 'n' roll star, eccentric leader of the "Sound of Mu" band and the future star of Taxi Blues, Pyotr Mamonov), when one of them stabs him in a deserted park.
与Stefan Uher和Elo Havatta一样,Eduard Grecner也是60年代斯洛伐克新浪潮电影的缔造者之一。他的三部影片《一周七天》(1964)《尼绒月亮》(1965)和这部《徳拉克的回归》都是斯洛伐克新浪潮电影的代表作。这部叙事方法独特带有明显意识流风格的黑白影片甚至间接影响到了后来法国导演格里耶在捷克拍摄的两部影片《说谎的人》和《Eden and After》。 在电影的发展中,爱德华·格雷克纳 (Eduard Grecner) 占据了一个特殊的位置,他是一部好电影《龙归来》(Drak sa vracia,1967) 的创作者,该片以主角的昵称命名。他是所谓“知识分子”电影支持者的标志,而“知识分子”电影是社会学或社会批判电影的对立面。格雷克纳的伟大榜样是艾伦·雷奈,一位年轻的法国电影制片人,他试图向斯洛伐克介绍电影的理念作为一个迷宫,其中的意义不是由故事创造的,而是由对话、镜头和不同时间层次的复杂配置创造的,从而将电影与文学和戏剧区分开来。格雷克纳通过一整套形式美学技巧,将抒情散文的传统带入了生活。阿兰·罗伯-格里耶立即在《电影《说谎的人》(斯洛伐克语:Muz, ktory luze;法文片名:L'homme qui ment;1968 年)在布拉迪斯拉发拍摄,并在《伊甸园及其之后》(Eden a potom,1970 年)中完善。《德拉克的回归》(Drak sa vracia)是一部1968年上映的捷克斯洛伐克奇幻冒险电影,由爱德华·格莱纳执导。影片讲述了一个小男孩米洛什(拉多万·卢卡夫斯基饰)与他的祖母在乡村度假时,意外地发现了一只古老的龙(德拉克)。米洛什与这只龙建立了一种特殊的联系,而龙也逐渐恢复了自己的力量和记忆。然而,这个神秘的龙吸引了人们的注意,包括贪婪的成年人和好奇的孩子们。米洛什必须保护这只龙,并找到一个安全的地方让它回归。《德拉克的回归》融合了奇幻、冒险和童话元素,以独特的视角探索了成长、友谊和环境保护的主题。爱德华·格莱纳以其精心构建的故事情节和精美的视觉效果,创造了一个神秘而充满想象力的世界。拉多万·卢卡夫斯基和古斯塔夫·瓦拉赫等演员们的出色表演为故事增添了深度和情感。影片在技术上展现了当时的创新精神,通过运用特殊效果和精美的摄影,营造出了令人叹为观止的视觉效果。同时,片中对大自然和乡村景观的描绘,以及与龙的互动,强调了与自然和谐共处的重要性。《德拉克的回归》是一部充满魔力和温暖的电影,以其独特的故事情节、出色的演员表演和精美的视觉呈现而备受赞誉。它是一部适合全家观看的奇幻冒险片,将观众带入一个充满想象力和神秘的世界,同时探讨着人与自然之间的关系和成长的旅程。
故事产生在俄罗斯的一座海滨都会中,在这里,活泼着被称为“黑猫”的犯法构造。大选快要,为了可以多一份胜算,市长维克托(维科托·斯佐夫 Viktor Sukhorukov 饰)决议在博物馆中举行一个大型的展览,届时将有很多贵重的展品现身此中。为了可以保障展览顺遂举行,全部都会的安保体系都堕入到了缓和的运作中去。 伊格纳特(安德鲁·特缅特耶夫 Andrey Dementev 饰)是一个酷爱跑酷的青年,布满公理感的他跟志同志合的友人们构造了名为“都会山公”的集团,看似到处张扬公理,实则无中生有。罪恶的“黑猫”很快就盯上了活泼的“都会山公”,他们以伊格纳特可爱的女工资人质,威胁伊格纳特帮助他们偷盗行将展览的藏品,在公理跟恋情眼前,伊格纳特做出了疼痛的决定。